The Vancouver International Film Festival is on for the next couple of weeks. I'll put a few comments on the films I see here, but isolated impressions only, nothing meant as a full review.
Films I saw today:
Sparrow A comedy about four brother pickpockets and their rescue of a damsel in distress. Middling funny, but corny and unconvincing in places.
Good Cats Interesting, if a bit confusing (I had to reread the synopsis to figure out what happened). It seemed to be meant as a commentary on corruption in the modern Chinese economy; however, the interspersed musical numbers made it feel macabre and unreal. Unsubtle characters and plot.
O'Horten Funny and easily the best of today's four films. The humour comes more from the quirky characters than from the plot – reminded me of the TV series Northern Exposure. A definite "would see again".
Charly I dozed off during the first part of this one and probably missed bits that would have clarified what the point of it all was. The synopsis calls it a coming-of-age picture, which I guess it is, if that phrase means the first time the mono-syllabic, spaced-out protagonist has sex. If the phrase refers to some development of a mature perspective on life, then no, I don't think so – his immediate response is to cut and run, and the film ends shortly thereafter. Boring.