Wandered around downtown St. John's today and bought music and other stuff. I could write volumes about how the city has changed since I last lived there (c. 1969), but it's late, so just a few photos – by no means representative of the area, just things that caught my interest.
Part of a historical mural on Duckworth Street. I took this one from across the street, and a few cars actually slowed down to avoid ruining the shot. Where else but in St. John's ...
A row of houses showing typical old St. John's architecture.
Detail of a bronze at the end of George Street.. "The design ... for this sculpture was meant to show the many different aspects of artistic expression that exists within the province and tie all of them together with some sort of meaning." (the artist).
Some graffiti.
And a photo of the "narrows" (the entrance of St. John's harbour), with the usual hovering bank of fog threatening to descend on the city.